Fire destroys orphan home in Doi Saket, Thailand
Today a fire broke out at our Doi Saket 1 campus in Thailand, gutting home 1A. Thankfully, all of the kids were at school, and neither children nor staff were injured.
Unfortunately, everything in the home was destroyed. Please pray for the kids and the staff as they mourn the loss of their possessions. Many of these children have already faced loss and displacement in their life, and this is likely to be disturbing for them.
The building is a complete loss, and will have to be torn down and rebuilt.
We estimate a cost of nearly $75,000 to replace lost items and to rebuild.
If you can help, please consider making a generous donation by check or online. Please specify "Thailand Fire" in the memo line or on the page where you enter your credit card informaiton.
Most of all, please thank God that no one was hurt. We can replace lost possessions, but each child, each member of our staff are precious beyond words.
Contact John McCollum via email or by phone 614.804.6233 if you have any questions.