Asia’s Hope

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Battambang 2 -- March/April Update

The proud parents of Battambang 2 didn't miss this opportunity to brag -- they sent us a truly glowing report about their kids. Not only are two Battambang 2 kids attending University, but it seems that their legacy of academic achievement has made an impact: three of their siblings received truly outstanding marks: one, in grade 9, was ranked second in her graduating class, and two others were first rank in their English class. In addition to concentrating on their studies, they even found time to work hard in preparation for the Khmer New Years festivities, which included the first even Asia's Hope Soccer Tournament and an Easter Outreach that was attended by nearly 2000 people.

As you keep these kids in mind this month, please pray as they work to overcome the many challenges, academic and otherwise, that come as they continue to mature. 

Like any family, the kids play a major role in meal prep

A typical Sunday meal at Battambang 2