"I'm afraid that this baby will die."

"I'm afraid that this baby will die." Those were the words we heard from Tutu Bee (pictured above), our Thailand national director.

In a destitute hilltribe village -- three hours from our Early Child Center in Doi Saket, Thailand -- a 6 month old child was in a desperate situation. The mother, suffering from severe mental illness, had tried to kill the baby on a number of occasions. The father contacted Asia's Hope, pleading for help.

At first, it looked like we would be unable to help. Asia's Hope runs on budgets with absolutely no slack -- there simply wasn't money to support this child.

But God made a way, and moved in the hearts of ministry advisors Mike and Debbie Flinchum to personallysupport this baby, and yesterday, we accepted this baby into our care. 

Unfortunately, this girl's story is not unlike that of many other children in Cambodia and Thailand. Many children have no family members that are able or willing to care for them. Many of these orphaned children face lives of misery and despair. Many others simply die.

Asia's Hope is committed to providing care for these children, but in many cases, we simply can't. Please consider helping us provide for these kids by making a generous donation this Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

May God bless you and your family, and may God bless the 90 staff and nearly 500 kids at the 16 Asia's Hope orphan homes in Cambodia and Thailand.

Happy Thanksgiving.


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