Asia’s Hope

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Update: Flooding in Battambang

The staff and kids of Asia's Hope in Battambang, Cambodia thank all who have prayed for them and have asked about their well-being.

As of Tuesday the 8th at 10am ET, the campus remained flooded, but no water had breached the mud, brick and sandbag walls built for most of the homes. Unfortunately, water has gotten into our Battambang 3, Battambang 6 and Battambang 7 children's homes. Thankfully, the water is only a couple of inches deep inside those homes at this time, and the staff and kids are all doing well.

Asia's Hope Cambodia director Savorn Ou is working with his Battambang staff to address the current issues, and also to prepare plans for all contingencies. It's now night-time in Cambodia, and the staff are keeping watch round-the-clock. So far, the water is not posing any immediate danger inside the houses, but it is deep enough in some places in the yard and road leading to our campus that the smaller kids cannot safely leave the houses.

We will assess the situation in the morning and give more updates then.

Please continue to pray for the following: 

  • Immediate reversal of the flooding
  • Continued peace and joy for the staff and kids
  • Protection from snakes, dangerous insects and waterborne diseases
  • Protection of the physical assets: property, vehicles, buildings

We are grateful for the wise leadership of Savorn and his staff, and also for the generous support of our partnering churches and many individual donors without whom none of our work would be possible.

The water has not yet gotten into the BB8 home.

Kimchou, BB4's mom, makes the best of the situation, catching fish in the front yard that is now a lake.

Sandbags to keep the water out of the houses.

Staff and kids make improvised rafts to get around the campus.

The cats? Not amused.

Vando and Seyla, BB2 home parents, return home with much-needed supplies. 

Video taken by BB6 home staff, Van Nhaung.