Orphaned and vulnerable kids who grow up at Asia's Hope leave our care with the skills they need to succeed as independent adults. They're truly ready to lead. We know you are too. Will you join us?


Our Graduates are Ready to Lead

Fifteen years ago, we promised our very first group of kids that, if they worked hard and finished high school, we’d make sure they could attend college.

We could have never known that so many of our kids would take us up on the challenge!

We’ve made that same promise to each of the 800+ children who have come into our care since that time.

Today, almost 90% of our kids are on track to graduate high school, and we’re currently providing more than 120 full-ride university and vocational training scholarships. And that number is only going to grow: for the third consecutive year, all 22 of the graduating seniors at our school in Battambang passed the highly competitive college entry exam — on their first try!

And we’ve seen that first generation of kids finish school and move on to successful, financially-independent lives. They’re getting married. They’re having kids. They’re working in businesses, government agencies, non-profits, churches and schools. Some, in fact, have come back to work for Asia’s Hope as home parents, school teachers and caregivers.

Thanks to their hard work and our courageous community of supporters and staff, our graduates are ready to lead!



Asia’s Hope graduates aren’t just beating the odds, they’re obliterating them.

“Asia’s Hope has played a key role in shaping me into a successful person. I’m ready to lead in the near future. I could not make it this far without your generous support and prayers. Thank you for making this possible!”

— Sreyka, age 23, graduate student, cambodia

Asia’s Hope is Ready to Lead

God has blessed us with a transformative care model, with a network of world-class indigenous leaders — and with opportunities to share what we’ve learned with orphan care providers around the world.

As we achieve our strategic goals, we’ll not only bless thousands of kids directly through our own projects, we’ll also enhance the effectiveness of countless orphan care organizations working around the world.

Are you Ready to Lead?

Asia’s Hope has been guiding God’s people into courageous leadership on behalf of orphaned kids for more than 15 years.

We know that God has a special blessing all who obey his plea to to “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.” [Ps. 82:3]

We’ve seen churches, families, businesses and individuals transformed as they stretch into generosity on behalf of orphaned kids.

As we look to 2020 and beyond, we see countless opportunities to lead, and we are limited only by the funds available to do so. Will you consider participating in this annual campaign by making a leadership-level year-end contribution to Asia’s Hope?

You can give securely online now
or send a check to:

Asia’s Hope 296 West Fourth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201

“As a father, a husband and a pastor, partnering with Asia’s Hope has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It’s been instrumental in building my church’s generosity, vision and courage.” — Jim Brown, Grace Community, Goshen, Indiana
