Asia's Hope Statement of Faith
- The Bible, God’s perfect written word, is the basis for what we believe and is the driving force behind Asia’s Hope.
- There is one true, living God. He eternally exists in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and all three persons are equally and eternally divine.
- Jesus Christ is God who was conceived miraculously by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin according to Old Testament prophecies. Jesus Christ became the Living Word who was completely God and completely man.
- He was tempted in every way we are, yet lived a perfect and sinless life and under his own volition, he died and suffered for the sins of all humanity in his gift of substitutionary atonement.
- He experienced a bodily resurrection from the dead and ascended to the right hand of God the father where he serves as the only mediator between God and man and intercedes on our behalf.
- Man was created through Adam, in God’s image or likeness. He sinned against God through disobedience, and became eternally separated from God. All of mankind shares in this condemnation.
- Man’s nature is therefore corrupt and sinful and he cannot please God.
- Man can be restored to God and once again enter into a relationship with him through God’s free Grace. All people who by faith receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior may be saved and restored to God. There is no other way by which a person may be saved. No amount of good works can earn a person’s salvation. Every person who is saved will receive the gift of eternal life and can have assurance of their salvation.
- All believers are part of one universal Church, which is the body of Christ. Scripture instructs believers to gather regularly for worship and edification through the Bible and to encourage one another. God’s Word expresses a need for unity in this body of Christ, which is the responsibility of every Christian.
- Christ is the head of the Church and He will physically return to earth and be reunited with the Church.
- Jesus commanded all believers to share the Gospel message with every people group around the world.