Asia’s Hope At-a-glance:
Not Just Numbers
Each of these numbers represents real people, real places — real impact on the lives of orphaned and vulnerable kids and their communities. We’re so thankful for the opportunity to serve these precious people in these amazing places.
Thanks to the generosity of donors, partners and grantors, we’re providing high-quality, family-style homes for hundreds of orphaned and vulnerable children, and we’re seeing them succeed at astonishing rates. We’re not just building a better future for the children in our care, we’re forging a path that other orphan-focused initiatives around the world can follow.
In Cambodia, a beautiful country with an terrifying recent history of genocide and civil war, Asia’s Hope is widely recognized as one of the few orphan care organizations trusted by the government and by other NGOs to provide effective solutions for kids who cannot be safely reunited with their families of origin. We’re working to create a real alternative to the traditional “institutional orphanage,” and our kids are thriving, graduating high school and attending university at rates that even we would have thought impossible a decade ago.
In Northern Thailand, home to the nation’s marginalized ethnic ‘hill tribes,’ we’ve created a network of family-style children’s homes that focus on the unique needs of these minority populations. More than 95% of our staff are ethnic minorities, and all of the children in our care come from the non-Thai-ethnicity populations that are so often left behind.
In Northeast India, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains along one of the world’s most active human trafficking routes, we’re providing high-quality, family-style care for Nepali-language kids who are orphaned or permanently separated from their parents. Without our help, these children face destitution, abuse and exploitation. But in our care, they’re finding academic and personal success. Our very first generation of high school graduates are now moving on to university and vocational training programs, and the kids coming up behind them are on track to follow them into higher education and independent adult living.
2023 Budget: Continued Growth
Our strong year-end giving season and the renewal of most of our significant partnerships has provided us the funds we need to maintain all of our homes, student centers and schools, including those lacking full sponsorship. We’re also making the investments into stem and trauma-informed care we announced in the run-up to our 2022 year-end giving campaign.
We’re also approving full-ride scholarships for 44 first-year university students. Because 41 students are graduating, this represents a net increase of only three full-ride scholarships, for a total of 207 total scholarships in 2023. Nearly half of those scholarships are currently unfunded, so we will need to raise $242,500 in scholarship-targeted or unrestricted funds in 2023.
With these increases in mind, we’ve set our 2023 budget at $2,717,445. To meet this budget, we will need to raise at least $257,000 in our 2023 year-end giving campaign.
Our Leadership Team
John McCollum
Executive Director
Savorn Ou
Cambodia Director
Tutu Abourmad
Thailand Director
Sunil Tamang
India Co-Director
Amber Gurung
India Co-Director
executive staff
Carol Wardell
Roxi Larsen
Director of Strategic Relationships
Jeremiah Nguapha
Fiscal Resource Manager
Benjamin Hiltner
Director of Media
Int’l board members
Ron Biddle
Rachel Cobb
Sherrod Fields
Adam Heath
Glenn Kelly
Keith Wong
Asia’s Hope has earned the Guidestar Gold Seal of Transparency for its commitment to financial accountability. You may download 990s and other information about Asia’s Hope by clicking on the Guidestar link. Contact us with any questions about Asia's Hope's fiscal policies and practices.
Asia’s Hope | 296 West Fourth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201 | 614.285.5813 | EIN: 34-1971847